Monday, August 13, 2007

It's a wonderful life

It's A Wonderful Life.

Sometimes it can be easy to forget how wonderful this life is.

Whenever that happens, stop for a moment, open your eyes, and listen to
your heart.

Life is filled with miracles both big and small, and they are all
around us, just waiting to be noticed.

It can be so easy to get caught up in work, responsibilities, and
worries, but that's not what life is truly about.

It's about pushing beyond the ordinary and everyday, and finding the
strength to reach out for those dreams in your heart.

It's about looking for the positive even when the negative seems

You are a special person who deserves all the happiness the world has
to offer.

Don't wait for something huge to happen to make you stop and realize
how wonderful this life is.

Open your eyes, open your heart, and look for a little miracle in very

Reach out for your dreams, stay positive, and make your life the
wonderful success story it was meant to be.

- Rachyl Taylor from"7 Days to a Positive Attitude"

Life is what you make it. Be happy, smile and good things will happen to you, and you'll also feel better. There's always something you can find positive about the day, even though there may be some negative items in your day. Give your pet some loving, and smile and compliment your colleagues and friends. How can you make someone's life a special day today? Enjoy your life every single day. Invest in "365 ways to be happy" book, and have a bonus every morning.

What have you done today to make someone else and yourself happy? Please post a comment.


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