Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Funnies

Why do turkeys always go, "gobble, gobble"?

Because they've never learned good table manners!


Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building?

Yes - a building can't jump at all


Why does a pilgrim's pants always fall down?

Because they wear their belt buckle on their hat


Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?

The outside


What sound does a space turkey make?

Hubble! Hubble! Hubble!


What sound does a turkey's phone make?

Wing! Wing!


How do you keep a turkey in suspense?

I'll tell you at Christmas.


What do Hippies put on their Thanksgiving potatoes?



Why should you keep your eye off the turkey dressing?

Because it makes him blush!


Hope these made you smile! Be sure to share them with your friends and family.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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