Thursday, July 26, 2007

Drought Watch

The Board of Directors of the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority has issued a Drought Watch for our area. The watch is “a very strong call for conservation measures,” said Thomas L. Frederick Jr., Executive Director of the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority.

Here's a video of the meeting from CvilleTomorrow:


Article from the "Daily Progress" newspaper:!news

Virginia Drought Monitor Map:,SE

Water is so important to our area. We've done some things right in the past for sure. Several years ago our county administration turned down Motorola and they moved to Richmond. At that time, I didn't understand, but after further research realized they were going to produce microchips and this would use a large quantity of water. This was an excellence decision by our county administrators.

We all need to respect our water source and be cognizant of saving our precious water.

Here's a site with water conservation tips:

The car washes are now recycling water as a result of our previous drought, and this is a step in the right direction. Wouldn't it be great if they reduced their prices because they were using less water as well?

Please post your comments... do you think this is necessary? ARe you doing anything to save water?


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